26th FEB.,2025

Understanding Life

In this content I will like to explore through the major issues concerning how this life you have obtained from God can be sustained to your own expection as a man, but before that you need to have a little understanding of what life is all about. Now let's dive in together!

What Is Life?

Life is the most precious and expensive gift of God to mankind. precious because it has nothing to be compared with.
Expensive because it can not be purchased with any thing. Thus, it has no cost price. Therefore this precious and expensive gift of God to us needs to be maintained and properly taken care of and this has formed the scope of this content.
NB; Man is not the owner of the life but just a caretaker. Therefore maintaining and properly taking care of your own life has become your ultimate responsibility. God gave/gives you the life but you are going to maintain and care for it. For instance, assuming someone built a house or bought a car for you, the person has played his/her own part the next is left for you. It now becomes your own duty and responsibility to maintain that house or car if both must last long. Similarly, that's how it is with the life which God has given us. Therefore when we take properly care of our life, we makes God happy and we last long on earth although we shall not live here forever. I will now take you through the 12(twelve) hidden Keys to long life. Then, if you want to last long on earth in accordance to the will of He who made you and in agreement with you own expectations, you will have to take note of the following:

  • Embrace Good Health

  • Maintain Carefulness

  • Try To Be Happy

  • Aviod Violence

  • Have A Planned Future

  • Make Good Friends

  • Marry A Good Husband/Wife

  • Embrace Education (Shun Ignorance)

  • Shun Idleness

  • Be Contented

  • Value Your Life

  • Pray Always

  • In the next sections, we shall be discusing how the points above can affect your life(the number of yourdays) on earth directly or indirectly.

    26th FEB.,2025


    It used to be said that health is wealth, but i will like to say here that health is far much greather than wealth. Thus, if you have a good health you stand the better chances of accumulating wealth. On the other hand, if you have wealth but have no good health you only end up spending your wealth in pursuit of a good health. So then think wisely. when we talk about health, we have good health, poor health and bad health and the category of health condition you want to belong to is based on your own personal decision but in this particular content, i will like to explore through some of the things that can facilitate your good state of health. These i captioned - THE 7 KEYS TO HEALTHY LIVING. I hope you know that how Healthy you are today determines how long you can achieve tomorrow and consequently how long you can enjoy life on earth. Now, let's dive in together. The seven keys to you good healthy living are:

  • Eat good balanced diet

  • Drink good and enough water

  • Practice regular exercise

  • Take some rest

  • Have time to sleep

  • Always go for regular laboratory checkup

  • Observe personal and environmental cleaningness

  • How does the above key points affect our health towards the sustainability of our life?

    The Great Benefit Of Balanced Diet For Healthy living:

    So many people eat,drink,take and chop whatever they want at anytime in as much as they have the financial capacity and capability, some do it in lack of knowledge of the health implications such actions can result to. Whereas others do it in carelessness but nomatter which way, it is totally wrong. Atleast you can save yourself the pain of lying in the hospital by making sure that the food you eat everyday contains the six classes of food nutrient. Infact you can take more of fruits and foods that contain enough vitamins.
    NB: When a healthy balanced diet is implimented in your food, you stand the chances of enjoying the following benefits:

    1. Protection against noncommunicable diseases.
    2. Protection against heart diseases.
    3 Protection against diabetes,cancer and other chronic diseases.
    4. Maintenance of normal blood pressure.
    5. It also boost your career productivity and put you on the side of success.
    6. Maintenance of normal body weight.
    7. It makes your bones to be strong.
    8. It helps in brain development.
    9. It saves you from the danger of malnutrition.
    10. It enhances growth and development.

    Thus, balanced diet is beneficial for all category of people. Hence, what you eat matters whereas when and how you eat it matters more. You can start by preparing a food menu that comprises all the six classes of food. Do this for some months and notice the changes in your health exprience.

    Why Our Body Needs Enough Water For Proper Functioning:

    You can be hungry and still survive and be sustained with water but nobody can be thirsty and survive without water. This illustrates the importance of water to the body over food. Meanwhile, if our body must function properly and consistently, we need enough water in our system. Thus, i will like you to take note of the following importance of water to our body and to see the need to integrate water into your daily diet. Though water is a free gift of nature but its importance supersedes its definition. Hence, the importance of water to our body include:

    (1) Water helps in the digestion of food.
    (2) Water helps to speed up chemical reaction in the body.
    (3) Water helps in the circulation of blood in the body.
    (4) Water helps in the removal of waste products from the body.
    (5) Water helps in Maintenance of body temperature.
    (6) Water serves as a transportation medium for digested foods.
    (7) Water helps in the lubrication of our joints which enables their regular and proper functioning.
    (8) Water helps to prevent kidney damage.
    (9) Water helps to prevent weight loss.
    (10) Water improves our performance during physical activities.

    The need for regular exercise for good health:

    There are alot of people who doesn't value doing are participating in any physical exercise. So many people from year to year never take part in one exercise or the other, even though it cost nothing to exercise the body yet so many are too reluctant when it comes to exercise. Any ways, this is due to ignorance and lack of knowledge that the sickness you can spend thousands and millions to cure can just be taking care of by a little exercise. And the only exercise so many know about is just football, but i tell you exercise is not just summarized on football. When you leave that your car and come down and trek for about 1000m or 1500m, you have engaged on a very powerful exercise. Similarly, when you lift some loads without depending on any mechanical assistance that's a great exercise. The world of technology has made us to depend totally on machines in everything we are doing that's good but technology doesn't stop you from doing some things manually because the later will be very beneficial to your health.
    Below are some benefit of exercise to our health:

    1. Exercise helps to stengthen our bones, muscles and joints.
    2. Exercise improves our physical strenght and agility.
    3. Exercise improves blood circulation in our body.
    4. Exercise improves our muscular endurance.
    5. Exercise helps to reduce the sugar content in the body and brings it to normal level.
    6. Exercise improves our performance in physical activities.
    7. Exercise builds confidence in us during physical activities.
    8. Exercise improves the functioning of the lungs.

    Why we must always have time to rest for better healthy life:

    Some people are ready to work through out the 24 hours. To some when they rest it seems that they are loosing so many things but unkown to them they are even cheating themselves. That is why when it comes to having rest, they doesn't care about it, some want to compete with machines, the want to show that they are strong to work and can do what a machine can do, not knowing that machines also rest.
    To this end, i will want to explore with you the need to Observe some rest and its health and life benefits:

    1. When you have some rest, your body, brain and system is refreshed.
    2. Rest helps you to regain the lost energy for a better performance.
    3. Rest normalizes your blood pressure.
    4. Rest sets you free from tension.

    NB: Having some rest doesn't mean you are weak or lazy, even your creator observed rest.

    The need to sleep for healthy exprience:

    Sleeping is another factor that promotes good health, and this is the secret behind the creation of night. But to some people sleeping will mean that a man or woman don't have something he/she is doing. But even when you are doing something or about to do some work, you need to sleep for some hours say, 6 to 7 hours atleast nomatter what. The moment you understand the health benefit of sleeping, the better for you. Hence, the following are the health benefits of having enough sleeping hours:

    1. Sleep helps to restore the proper working condition of your brain.
    2. Sleep helps to reduce stress.
    3. Sleep restores your thinking and reasoning faculty.
    4. Sleep improves the functioning of your heart and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
    5. Sleep helps you to maintain a healthy body weight.
    6. Sleep improves your sight and lessen the risk of road accident.
    7. Sleep improves your mood.
    8. Sleep helps to clear your memory.

    The need for regular laboratory checkup for healthy living:

    Sometimes you can be sick outside your own knowledge. There are somany viruses that hides in your body system, these viruse can only be revealed through laboratory checkup. That is why from time to time you need a laboratory checkup to make sure that there is no encroachment of those harmful viruses that causes sickness in your body. Thus, laboratory test or medical checkup in regular basis will be of help to your health in the following ways:

    1. It helps to detect any sudden change in your health.
    2. It will help to evaluate the functioning of your body organs.
    3. It will also help to monitor the treatment of such diseases in the body.
    4. It helps in the identification of signs and symptoms of nutrient deficiency in your body.
    5. With regular medical checkup, some disease causing bacteria can be prevented and terminated in their primary stage.
    6. Proper and regular medical checkup serves as a guide for the health personnel to give a direct medical treatment for a particular sickness.

    Importance of environmental cleaningness for healthy living:

    All that we have considered above goes direct to us as individual but here in this particular content we shall be relating the environment in which we live to our health. This means that our environment directly affect our health condition. A conducive and neat environment promotes good and healthy living than the other wise. Then if we must be sound, healthy and free from sicknesses, we must pay all the necessary prize to put our environment in a neat and tidy condition. To achieve this let's put the following points into consideration:

    1. Regularly sanitize your environment.
    2. Beautify your environment by planting good and attractive flowers.
    3. Cut down trees and clear the bushes around your environment.
    4. Aviod environmental pollution.
    5. Dispose refuse and sewages properly.
    6. Make your environment totally free from disease causing bacteria, viruses and vectors through the use of certain chemicals like: ethyl acetate, chlorofoam, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, sulfuryl fluoride, methyl bromide, ethylene dichloride, etc.

    26th FEB.,2025

    The Place Of Carefulness In Living A Long Life:

    Many at times what kills a man is not just sickness or ill health but carelessness. Someone that supposed to live for 120 years can die in 25 years due to carelessness. That is why i am bringing it in this content to help you explore with me on the need to maintain a life full of carefulness. Below are different areas of life where so many people manifest carelessness:

    1. In what to eat or drink.
    2. In where to go.
    3. In how to move or drive.
    4. In decision making.
    5. In friendship or companionship.
    6. In what to say or how to speak.

    Hence, if must live long on earth it becomes paramount that you get rid of carelessness off your entire life, if possible hate it with passion because it doesn't only kill but can destroy. So then, take little time to be careful in whatever you do. In the atmosphere of carefulness, you minimize a life full of mistakes, errors and regrets. Thus making you a wise man of knowledge.
    How can this be achieved?

    1. Think twice before taking any decision in life.
    2. Aviod rushing into sensitive issues any how.
    3. Make sure you clear your brain and heart of any confusion before embarking on important matters.
    4. Be clearified on matters you don't actually understand their end.
    5. Refresh, Relax and Recount(3Rs) on what you want to achieve.
    6. Learn to do one thing at a time.
    7. Aviod rushing things i.e, learn to slow down.
    8. Don't jump into issues with a scattered mind.
    9. Always try your best to aviod side distractions while engaging on critical issues.

    26th FEB.,2025

    The Need To Be Happy If We Must Live Long On Earth:

    Obviously, considering the situation of the earth; the troubles, the challenges, the pains, the lack, the social, physical, economic and political situations, nobody will ever choose to be happy for anything. But for your life sake, you must try to be happy. Happiness have alot to add to your life span on earth. Whether things are the way you expect them or otherwise, try to give happiness a little chance in your heart. In the atmosphere of sorrow and sadness, the issues are worsen but when you allow yourself to be happy the difficult issues are settled. Hence, the following are the contribution of happiness to the length of your life on earth:

    1. Happiness helps to reduce tension.
    2. Happiness reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
    3. Happiness helps to reduce anxiety.
    4. Happiness promotes peace of mind.
    5. Happiness promotes the proper functioning of your body cells.
    6. Happiness enhances the functioning of our brain and reasoning.
    7. Happiness lowers depression and improves our immune system.
    8. Happiness normalizes your thought.

    Therefore being happy or sad is a choice you can make personally. You must see the need to be happy everyday Whether good or bad, if not for any other thing, for the life you the fact you are still living today.

    26th FEB.,2025

    Why We Should Avoid Voilence For A Longer Life

    Voilence has never been good for a longer life on earth since the ages past. In the atmosphere of voilence men, women and children looses their life. Infact if there is anything that can wipe away an entire generation of mankind it is voilence. Thus, voilence is more dangerous than the most deadly epidermic. Hence to live and enjoy life on earth, we must shun and reject any form of voilent activities and embrace the atmosphere of peace, love and unity. Yes, we can quarel and be angry with people but don't and never allow this to escalate to any form of voilence. Below are the list of what voilence can result to:

    1. Voilence leads to untimely death.
    2. Voilence changes our mood.
    3. Voilence can lead to high blood pressure.
    4. Voilence can disrupt the body functioning.
    5. Violence can result to posttraumatic stress disorder.
    6. It leads to depression.
    7. Violence always result to injuries, wounds, dislocation, fractures and if care is not taken death.

    26th FEB.,2025

    The Need To Have A Planned Future:

    So many people live their live without a proper planning. This is what makes man unique and special from every other creature. Why you plan your life it gives you the opportunity to have a future full of joy and gladiness. For instance, when you plan your future as a youth you enjoy your old age and become free from regret and sorrow. When you set a proper plan for your life you don't just desire to die without accomplishing such plan. Meanwhile having a planned future is characterized with the following benefits:

    1. It gives your life a definition.
    2. It serves as a guide towards achievement.
    3. It makes you live a life with direction.
    4. It serves as a foundation for a bright future.
    5. It makes you live a life of focus.
    6. When you plan your life, it create in you hope for a better future.
    7. Planning you life gives you a peace of mind.
    8. Planning sets you free from mistakes and future failures.
    9. A planned life brings confidence and hope.

    26th FEB.,2025

    The Need For Good Friendship If You Must Live Long On Earth:

    Obviously, the choice of who will become your Friend is a very delicate choice. Getting a friend is not the same as Making a friend and is never also the same as Having a friend, but in which ever way, who you choice as a friend of yours can contribute to your long life or otherwise. But the target of this content is and can never be to discourage you not to make or have friends because friendship is also one of the things that proves the uniqueness of man and you cannot do without it. Therefore, it becomes paramount and indispenssible for you to think crictically before you decide on who will become your friend. Below are the key factors that can be of as help for you if you want to choose whom your friend will be:

    1. Study the person closely.
    2. Evaluate him/her to know his/her intention.
    3. Take time to monitor his/her advices Sometimes.
    4. Check what he/she likes most.
    5. Study places he/her enjoys staying.
    6. Study his/her life vision.
    7. Check his/her previous relationships.
    8. Know his/her family background.
    9. Check the level of some qualities like; love, hospitality, honesty, trust, generousity including fear of God.

    26th FEB.,2025

    The Place Of Good Husband/Wife If You Must LIve Long:

    When it comes to living a long life full of happiness, fun and joy, another important factor that determine this is marriage. This is because if you unfortunately make mistake on whom you chose to become your life partner, the correction is too difficult to be made, unless by some technical methods. Hence, the kind of marrige you enter into can determine how long you can stay on this planet earth. Also try to understand with me that this content is not an object of discouragement to marriage, marriage is good and approved by God but if wrongly entered it becomes the otherwise. My friend shine your eyes before you start this journey and if you are there already you can try to maintain principles of marriage which stands on the foundation of true love. When this is done it becomes indeed a marriage and not a manage. To this end let's explore the key factors you should consider to enjoy a blissful marriage life that will not contribute to your early grave:

    1. True Love.
    2. Great Trust.
    3. Patient.
    4. Divine Understanding.
    5. Tolerance.
    6. Confidence.
    7. Respect.
    8. Humility.
    9. Open Mindedness.
    10. Honesty.
    11. Caring.
    12. Encouragement.
    13. Agreement.
    14. Unity.
    15. Togetherness.

    26th FEB.,2025


    When you think about why many people die before their time, laziness and its senior brother idleness has some parts to contribute. When someone is not engaged in one work or the other, there is a tendency of living in hunger and to this, a hungry man is not just an angry man but also a weak man, a sick man and if care is not taken he becomes a dead man. So many people keep on hoping and waiting for government to give or provide job for them. They see this as an excuss to remain jobless. My dear can i let you know that you can also become more useful to yourself even without any government work. Government provides job for the citizens that is an undeniable truth, but what if yourself just like me don't have the opportunity to work in the government sector even with your educational qualification and certificate. What you can use to become useful in life is quite around and within you, but can you be so wise to notice and tap it. Can i tell you that the greatest and most precious natural resources God has given to every man is the brain and the sense of reasoning, when properly utilized it becomes very profitable to you. When you understand this, you don't have any reason to be lazy or idle at all.
    Below are the grave consequences of laziness and idleness:

    1. Laziness renders a person useless.
    2. Laziness makes a person a liability.
    3. Laziness destroys the future .
    4. Laziness makes a person hopeless.
    5. Laziness turn someone into a beggar.
    6. Laziness makes a person to be weak.
    7. Laziness makes a person poor.
    8. Laziness can make someone a slave.
    9. Laziness results to lack.
    10. Laziness can lead to lack of purpose.

    26th FEB.,2025


    To enjoy a long life full of happiness and joy, education and civilization also has a part to play. This may sound some how but the truth remains that you can never have the true Understanding of life in which you live and your existence around you without education. There are many things around you which can contribute to your health and life which you cannot comprehend outside on the foundation of education. Hence, when you are educated you stand the chances of utilizing every resources around you to your optimal benefit. There are some plants, grasses, leaves and root just around you which can cure very terrible sicknesses but in ignorance you overlook them. There are some places you shouldn't enter but in lack of knowledge you enter those places and couldn't return. So many of the nutritious and health boosting foods, friuts and vegetables can be around you but outside you knowledge you allow them to be wasted instead of utilizing them. So, education help you to acquire knowledge that will help you benefit from your environment towards a sustainable life. The contribution of education to long life is summarized as follows:

    1. Education help you to understand the life in which you live.
    2. On the atmposhere of education many issues are settled.
    3. Education helps us to solve many life problems that would have resulted to some serious health challenges.
    4. Education simplifies our life challenges.
    5. Education builds in us courage to be able to face life problems.
    6. With proper education, we brighten our future and have hope of a better tomorrow.
    7. Education saves us from so many life dangers.
    8. Education help to put us to a better social class in our society.
    9. Education makes you more useful in the society.
    10 Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change your life, generation and the world.

    26th FEB.,2025


    When someone is never satisfy with the little he/she has, even when the person gets more he/she can never be satisfied as well. My dear, nobody in life has ever accomplished all his live goals to reach his/her final expectation. If you satisfy the needs of today, the wants of tomorrow keeps waiting for you and the more you sleep each day and wake up, the greater the desire and passion to accomplish new goals. Then if you are not Contented with your accomplishment of today, you begin to desire to be like Mr A even when you have been destined to be like Mrs B, in this you begin to land yourself into troubles that can even end your life and those challenges and troubles will not even go with you they also remain on earth looking for other people with your same spirit. Many people in pursuit of achieving what they don't have the capacity of achieving has just ended up like that. If your income cannot afford you to own a bicycle, why desiring to buy a car? and if your income cannot buy a motorcycle, why desiring to own a private jet? To this you begin to enter in from; evil thought, to wicked desire, to criminal behaviour, to jail, to suffering and maybe finally to the grave. In this the life that is destined to reach 100 or 120 years has been cut short, then what is the gain. Please, understand this, there is great gain been contented. Below are the keys that can help you to be contented so that you can have more blessings and live longer on earth:

    When you are contented, you appreciate what you have and remain grateful to God and man.

    1. Understand yourself.
    2. Be yourself.
    3. Focus on your work or business.
    4. Aviod useless competitions.
    5. Be serious with whatever good job you are doing.
    6. Don't waste your resources on useless things.
    7. Be grateful to God always.
    8. Invest more to grow your business.
    9. Try your possible best to practice gratitude.
    10. Don't be too expensive in your desire and choice.

    26th FEB.,2025


    Note that all the things we have explored through so far in this content can and will never work not untill you begin to place value on your life. So many people value their cars, their houses, their works and some even placed value on their animals more than their Life. For you to eat good foods, do regular exercise, live a careful life, have rest, observe sleep, go for regular medical checkup and so on, all these are based on the level of value you placed over your life. A man who doesn't value his life always plan to die whereas he that value his life knows that tomorrow will be great. Valuing your life is a way of appreciating Him who gives it to you. It motivates Him to add more years for you. When you value your life, you make God happy and by so doing you don't just die. Below are the benefits of placing value on your life:

    1. It attracts more years to you.
    2. It helps you to achieve your life goals to some level.
    3. It reveals that you appreciate life.
    4. It helps you plan well for the future.
    5. It gives you the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

    26th FEB.,2025


    I am not trying to be spiritual but trying to let you know the truth. when you pray, you receive direction on how to live the more. Thus, prayer becomes your life security that protects you from so many things and dangers that are seeking to end your life. When it comes to prayer, it doesn't just matter whether you are a christian or not. Every human being need prayer. The more you pray, the more brighter your future will be. As long as you are created by God your prayers to Him matters alot, this is because the situation of life on earthly planet cannot be so easy except on the foundation of prayer. Moreso, prayer is a very powerful spiritual master key to unlock all kinds of spiritual gates, doors and windows for you to get your God destined blessings. To this, i will like to take you through the benefits of prayer based on my own personal observations and experiences.

    1. Prayer is a life guide.
    2. Prayer is a master key to unlock every kind of closed door.
    3. Prayer clears the way for the people of God.
    4. Prayer is a spiritual battle axe to fight your spiritual battles and wars.
    5. Prayer is a spiritual catapillar that demolishes and dismantles every negative spiritual structure against your life.
    6. Prayer is spiritual cable that connects man and God.
    7. Prayer is the power and authority of God's people.
    8. Prayer is your security as a child of God.
    9. Prayer silences the negative operations of your spiritual enemies of progress.
    10. Prayer is a spiritual ladder towards your upliftment both physical and spiritual.

    It is unfortunate that so many people don't find it useful to pray everyday, they can only remember to pray in the midst of problems, troubles and challenges. Please don't be that kind of person. With prayer you can live a fulfilled Life on earth. You can start to pray today and start to enjoy the benefits yourself.

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